Examples of Contemplate in a sentence. My best friend’s suicide caused me to contemplate my own happiness. 🔊 When the accountant was asked to contemplate the current budget, he discovered many ways the company could save money. 🔊 We were so busy during the concert tour we did not have time to contemplate the natural beauty of the island


A person or thing fondled or caressed; one treated with foolish or doting affection. Fondling Meaning in Urdu Fondling is an English language word that is well described on this page with all the important details i.e Fondling meaning, Fondling word synonyms, and its similar words.

2 dagar sedan · On one count of fondling, the judge imposed a 14-year sentence in custody of the Mississippi Department of Corrections without the possibility of early release, along with a $1,000 fine. He must register as a sex offender and have no contact with the victim. Spingler Won't Get Harsher Sentence In Fondling Case, Judge Says - Radnor, PA - The community and prosecutors called for a harsher sentence for ex Radnor Commissioner William Spingler who was 2021-01-25 · One is driven to call out the judge of the Nagpur bench of the Mumbai High Court, who, in an extraordinarily retrograde judgement, has ruled that the offence of sexual assault under Section 7 of fondlers in a sentence - Use "fondlers" in a sentence 1. Sentences Mobile " fondle with" in a sentence, "fondled" in a sentence, "fondler" in a sentence,  11 Sep 2020 Pastor gets suspended sentence for fondling sentenced to 15 years in prison, but the sentence was suspended, giving him no years to serve. 23 Jan 2015 Sentence #1: "Make" can mean both "produce/create/build" and "constitute". For the latter sense, you can almost replace it with "is/are". Thus:.

Fondling in a sentence

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He gently fondled the baby's feet. 4. Mrs Williams fondled her cat as it sat beside her. 5. She fondled his neck.

She fondled He will finally think I'm worthy enough to work for him! The photographer yelled for me to get on the set of my first photo shoot. The air smelled like So, 

3) He gently fondled the baby's feet. 4) Mrs Williams fondled her cat as it sat beside her.

Fondling in a sentence

Fondle in a sentence 1. She fondled the puppies. 2. He tried to kiss her and fondle her. 3. He gently fondled the baby's feet. 4. Mrs Williams fondled her cat as it sat beside her. 5. She fondled his neck. 6. People riotously reel around here, fighting, fondling, tittering, clowning. 7. I wanted to

Fondling in a sentence

While in the elevator, she said, he fondled her. During the custody case, Farrow accused Allen of fondling Dylan. It's difficult to see fondling in a sentence . Sentence with the word fondling.

(noun) 'How can you say I am harsh, you naughty fondling?' cried fondle somebody/something to touch and move your hand gently over somebody/something, especially in a sexual way, or in order to show love synonym caress. He kissed and fondled her face and neck. She fondled the dog’s ears affectionately. Context sentences for "fondling" in Polish These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. bab.la is not responsible for their content. English He had a belt because he had this warped perverted thing that Myesha was having sex with her little brother and they was fondling each other -- that would be his reason.
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Fondling in a sentence

Fondle in a sentence 1. She fondled the puppies. 2.

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like an old guy blowjob with in those days in every sentence but sometimes i sucking on, and nibbling the second mom nipple while fondling the first one.

Find 28 ways to say FONDLING, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. 26 Mar 2017 A former New Jersey high school teacher who fondled a student when she came to his classroom seeking extra credit has been spared a  25 Jan 2015 "So if you think your case is worth a double-digit sentence, you (don't want to make a deal). He was also accused of fondling the girl in 2009. 28 Feb 2019 When such acts involve intercourse or “lewd fondling,” they can Law,” and is punishable by a life sentence without the possibility of parole for  23 Jan 2018 Thomas Mark Moore fondled a woman who went to the medical center The Adams County sentence will run at the same time as the 12‐year  Rape, Sexual Battery or Fondling of a Minor · The penalties for having any kind of sex with a minor are very strict. · The sentence for this crime is life in prison (  c.