Lotta Pänkälä, Karoliina Autio, Leena Saijonmaa-Koulumies. Universitetets djursjukhus · Veterinärmedicinska fakultetens avdelningar · Avdelningen för klinisk
TY - JOUR. T1 - Koiran reaktiivinen histiosytoosi. T2 - kirjallisuuskatsaus ja tapausselostus. AU - Pänkälä, Lotta. AU - Autio, Karoliina. AU - Saijonmaa-Koulumies, Leena
Asia Representative Koji You searched for: Author "Saijonmaa‐Koulumies, Leena E." Remove constraint Author: "Saijonmaa‐Koulumies, Leena E." Start Over. Toggle facets Limit your search Text Availability. Citation in PubAg 3; Journal. Veterinary dermatology 3; Publication Year. 2017 1; 2004 1; 1996 1; Subject. dogs 3; atopic dermatitis 2; Leena Saijonmaa‐Koulumies. Adjunct Professor of Dermatology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki.
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riitta.liimatainen@opaskoirakoulu.fi. A randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled multicentre clinical trial of 12 weeks' duration was undertaken in 60 dogs with atopic dermatitis to evaluate the steroid sparing effect of essential fatty acid supplementation. Demodex bovis. Demodex is a genus of mite in the family Demodicidae.Demodectic or follicular mite is an elongated mite about 0.25 mm long with four pairs of stout short legs and a long abdomen transversely striated on top and bottom.
Allaker ym. 1992, Saijonmaa-Koulumies ym. 1998). Bakteerin tavallisimmin aiheuttamia infektioita ovat iho-, haava- ja muut pehmytkudosinfektiot (van Duijkeren ym. 2011, Bannoehr & Guardabassi 2012). S. pseudintermedius -infektioiden taustalla ovat usein isännän immuniteetin lasku ja häiriöt ihon suojamuurissa. Infektioissa
which quickly grow into papules, slightly elevated pimples. (Photo by Leena Saijonmaa-Koulumies, reproduced with permission.) View chapterPurchase book.
Redaktionsrådet hoppas att temanumret skall finna sin plats i praktikerns handbibliotek som stöd för diagnoser och läkemedelsval. Leena Saijonmaa-Koulumies
Mirja Kaimio, Leena Saijonmaa-Koulumies, Outi Laitinen-Vapaavuori · Helsingfors universitet Antibioottien systeeminen käyttö koiran pyoderman hoidossa.
Selamectin has a wide margin of safety in both dogs and cats when used according to the label directions, although, there have been rare reports of neurologic dysfunction including seizures.
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Asia Representative Koji You searched for: Author "Saijonmaa‐Koulumies, Leena E." Remove constraint Author: "Saijonmaa‐Koulumies, Leena E." Start Over. Toggle facets Limit your search Text Availability. Citation in PubAg 3; Journal. Veterinary dermatology 3; Publication Year. 2017 1; 2004 1; 1996 1; Subject.
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A randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled multicentre clinical trial of 12 weeks' duration was undertaken in 60 dogs with atopic dermatitis to evaluate the steroid sparing effect of essential fatty acid supplementation.
Cite . BibTex; Full citation; Publisher: 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC' Year: 2015. DOI identifier: 10.1186/s13028-015-0129-8. OAI identifier: Provided by: MUCC Grönthal et al. Acta Vet Scand DOI 10.1186/s13028-015-0129-8 RESEARCH Epidemiology of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius in guide dogs in Finland Thomas Grönthal1*, Matti Ollilainen1, Marjut Eklund1, Heli Piiparinen1, Veera Gindonis 1, Jouni Junnila2, Leena Saijonmaa‑Koulumies1, Riitta Liimatainen3 and Merja Rantala1 Abstract Synonyymi leena saijonmaa-koulumies sanalle. Synonyymit.fi, ilmainen synonyymisanakirja netissä.