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Norska försäkringsbolaget Insr – tidigare Vardia – har avtalat om att köpa den norska konkurrenten Nemi Forsikring. Genom köpet väntas Insr fördubbla sin premievolym. Nemi har i dag 50 000 privatkunder och 4 500 företagskunder. – Nemi Forsikring och Insr passar väldigt bra tillsammans. Jag gläder mig åt att arbeta tillsammans med kollegor från båda bolagen för att bygga

It primarily sells and distributes insurance products in the private and small and medium enterprise (SME) markets in the Nor dic countries. The distribution network comprises call centers, insurance agents and brokers, and price aggregators. Insr Insurance Group ASA, formerly Vardia Insurance Group ASA, is a Norway-based insurance company. It primarily sells and distributes insurance products in the private and small and medium enterprise (SME) markets in the Nordic countries.

Vardia insr

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Det var under förra året som det uppdagades solvenspr Insr SFCR Attachments 2020. Agreement to Sell Portfolio. Insr has agreed to sell most of its Norwegian insurance portfolio to Storebrand. This is a result of the strategic review announced on June 29, 2020, when Insr had been notified that the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority (the "NFSA") considered withdrawing Insr’s license to operate.

Q4 2019 Insr Insurance Group ASA Earnings Call. Q4 2019 Insr Insurance Group ASA Earnings Call. HOME. MAIL. Edited Transcript of VARDIA.OL earnings conference call or presentation 28-Feb-20 7

It primarily sells and distributes insurance products in the private and small and medium enterprise (SME) markets in the Nordic countries. The distribution network comprises call centers, insurance agents and brokers, and price aggregators.

Vardia insr

Insr Insurance Group ASA, established 2009, is an independent insurance group listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange, with headquarters in Oslo. The Company’s primary focus is on the market for property and casualty insurance for the retail and small & medium-sized enterprise segments in Norway.

Vardia insr

Insr has agreed to sell most of its Norwegian insurance portfolio to Storebrand. This is a result of the strategic review announced on June 29, 2020, when Insr had been notified that the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority (the "NFSA") considered withdrawing Insr’s license to operate. Insr Insurance Group ASA, formerly Vardia Insurance Group ASA, is a Norway-based insurance company. It primarily sells and distributes insurance products in the private and small and medium enterprise (SME) markets in the Nor dic countries. The distribution network comprises call centers, insurance agents and brokers, and price aggregators. INSR är, efter en rekonstruktion av bolaget, namnet på den försäkringskoncern som tidigare hade namnet Vardia.

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Vardia insr

"Det gäller nog att vara väldigt observant på deras försäljning framöver om den  ANALYSTDATA FÖR Vardia Insurance Group ASA Aktie MER. Resultatet från Insr Insurance Group tredje kvartalet: Prissättning för att slå skadan inflation. Investment AB Öresund förvärvar aktier i Insr Insurance Group ASA på Mats Qviberg och köpa aktier i norska försäkringsbolaget Vardia?

22 Feb 2016 Oslo, 22 February 2016: In order to streamline the management group, Vardia Insurance. Group ASA has decided to combine the Strategy and  9.
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Insr Insurance Group ASA, formerly Vardia Insurance Group ASA, is a Norway-based insurance company. It primarily sells and distributes insurance products in the private and small and medium enterprise (SME) markets in the Nordic countries. The distribution network comprises call centers, insurance agents and brokers, and price aggregators.

Adresse: Østensjøveien 43,  4 document(s) available for the issue (Including loan documantation). Current coupon rate and period is available. CRD IV / Solvency II capital requirements  Insr Insurance Group ASA, formerly Vardia Insurance Group ASA, is a Norway- based insurance company. It primarily sells and distributes insurance products in   Köp aktier i Insr Insurance Group - enkelt och billigt hos Avanza Bank.